Wellness Travel and Tours by G Adventures: Everything you need to know

Must Try

Most of us travel to discover new places, learn about a destination’s culture, and cloak ourselves in a sense of wonder, excitement, and adventure we may not have otherwise experienced back home.  But what about travelling to slow down, to find balance, and to reconnect with the world (and ourselves)?

Wellness Travel and Tours presented by G Adventures

Enter G Adventures, which just launched their newest collection of tours dedicated to Wellness and Self-Care. Not familiar with G?  It’s a small group adventure tour company that helps travellers explore the world responsibly and sustainably, and I have the pleasure of being one of their resident ambassadors and storytellers (otherwise known as Wanderers).

As part of the ambassador gig, I participate in and share information about their wildly diverse tour offerings (they have over 700 tours spanning the globe) and initiatives. If you’ve been following me for a while, you may recall that last year I had the time of my life exploring the culture and wildlife of Uganda and Rwanda on their 8-day itinerary.

The fact I enjoyed myself so immensely comes as no surprise: visiting the African continent and learning more about the people and history is one of my greatest passions, and trekking through the Ugandan rainforest in hot pursuit of mountain gorillas is definitely an incredible experience (though definitely not for the faint of heart)! Read more about that trip here.

But more about these G Adventures’ new Wellness tours, and why I can’t wait to try them for myself.

Find your balance on G Adventures’ Wellness Travel and Tours

The initial program launch comprises tours in 10 destinations including favourites like Nepal, Patagonia, Costa Rica, and Tuscany.  But what makes these tours different from the ones currently on G’s roster? Well, for starters, this new travel style will adopt a slower travel place and center around three pillars: mindfulness, movement, and nourishment.

Mindfulness is when we direct our full attention to what is happening in the moment.  We are present, aware, and appreciative of our surroundings and the space we occupy within our environment. Every G Wellness tour will start with an intention setting ceremony led by a Chief Experience Officer that will allow travellers to achieve this, as well as incorporate elements of yoga and meditation to ensure they remain mindful and introspective throughout the duration of the trip. 

The Movement component of the tour allows travellers to participate in adventurous physical activities that require them to interact with nature. Activities can range from hikes to cycling to aerial yoga, in outdoor locales known for their stunning natural beauty.

On a prior trip to Costa Rica

The Nourishment pillar of the trip will serve as a reminder that food is not only fuel, but an experience that can nourish our mind, body, and spirit.  Tours will incorporate activities like market visits and cooking classes and menus will include fresh food that is both locally-sourced and sustainably grown and produced.

What is Wellness Travel and why is it such a hot trend in tourism right now?

Wellness is a concept that is often conflated with health.  However, it goes beyond the physical state of being free of illness.  Nowadays, wellness involves optimizing our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.  As our increasingly fast-paced, demanding, and global lifestyles put a strain on all aspects of our health, we’ve begun to seek out opportunities to let our hair down and get back to center.  As a result, the wellness industry has seen immense growth, with wellness travel skyrocketing in particular.  According to the Global Wellness Institute, the wellness industry is worth a whopping $3.7 trillion USD globally!

Yoga on the G Wellness Costa Rica trip

Two G Adventures Wellness trips I can’t wait to try

With over 80 departures slated to run in 2019, there’s no better time to experience the wellness travel trend for yourself.  After perusing G’s Wellness Tours I already have two favourites:

  • Wellness India– This 11-day program highlights the holiest sites in Northern India and features a jaunt to Dharamshala (the home of the Dalai Lama) and three night stay at an ashram on banks of the Ganges River. 
  • Wellness Patagonia – This 10-day trip has all of nature’s most breathtaking landscapes on display: glaciers, national parks, and impressive peaks.  There are activities galore to help travellers to connect with their physical surroundings like hikes up the Cerro Tronador, horseback rides, and kayaking. 

Here’s hoping I’ll find myself on one of these journeys before the year’s end! Check out the remaining 8 destinations here.

Is a G Adventures Wellness Tour for you?

Long time readers of this blog will know that I’m a fierce proponent of using travel as a method of self-care. Not long ago I wrote about why I thought a solo vacation is the best self-care a woman can give herselfciting that we ladies often put other’s needs and desires before our own.  This is why I love the idea of the G Adventures Wellness tours– your health and well-being are not only prioritized heavily, but are the basis for the whole trip!  With that said, I’d recommend these tours to both women and men looking to unwind, de-stress, and regain balance in their lives.  I can’t wait to go on one of these trips myself!

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